Quito Antiguo Hotel in the Mariscal
(La Mariscal, Quito)
The Quito Antiguo Hotel has a great location in the Mariscal of Quito. There is a huge variety of hotels in the Mariscal, but the Quito Antiguo has just a bit more character than most.
The painted stone walls and natural light give the building an antique but comfortable feel.
Rooms come with private baths and hot water. Cable TV. A typical breakfast of coffee/tea, juice, eggs, bread, meat and cheese is included.
Internet available.
Price from $15 per person.
Address: corner of Joaquin Pinto y Juan Leon Mera
Telephone: 022-547-333 / 022-905-552
www.quitoantiguo.com.ecReturn to the Ecuador Andes Directory
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