My First Ecuador Book

Writing an Ecuador book has been on my mind for a while. I just wasn't sure how to go about it and truthfully, I lacked confidence. I decided to write it anyway and I'm very pleased with how it turned out. I hope you enjoy it too!

Ecuador Road Trip
An Insider's Guide to Planning an Amazing Adventure

What's it about?

The best way to see Ecuador is by taking a road trip. There are two options for your road trip depending on your budget: you can take the bus or rent a car. Either way there is so much to see in Ecuador.

This Ecuador book discusses each step of planning your trip. From visa requirements and arrival in Ecuador to choosing where to go and what to see.

The book includes over 15 photos, seven maps showing popular routes, and insider tips from other travelers.

Rather than covering every town and tourist attraction (there are plenty of dull guidebooks that do that), this book focuses on the process of planning and eliminating the guesswork when traveling in Ecuador. You'll know exactly what to expect every step of the way!

Please note: This site does contain a few affiliate links. If you purchase anything via these links, I may earn a small commission at no added cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you!

Update! Just due to the passing of time my book is in need of an update. I'd never ask you to spend money on something I don't feel is amazing, so I've taken the book down on Amazon. A digital version is still available on Smashwords .

What others have said about Ecuador Road Trip

"I have lived in Ecuador for 15 months now. I've traveled to many of the places mentioned in this book either by car or bus, and the recommendations for attractions, foods, and "survival" tips are accurate and informative. Knowing how to navigate Ecuador is important. It isn't like traveling in the US where I'm from. I believe the insights Jessamyn provides in her book are invaluable for having a really great experience visiting this pretty awesome country. Buena suerte amigos!" - by Todd on Amazon

"This is a well-written travel guide with a unique slant--the road trip. I'm personally quite fond of road trips in the US and this book makes me excited about continuing that tradition in Ecuador. My husband and I recently went to Ecuador and have decided to move there. I wish I had this book before we had gone! I spent hours and hours doing research online to help me navigate myself in an unfamiliar land. This book has the tips you need: how to use the public bathrooms (much different than those in the US and Europe!), how to navigate the bus system (so cheap!), what to bring to protect your stomach, and how the visa system works. Great, great suggestions!" - by jcwiakala on Amazon

"I have been to Ecuador several times while searching for the place that I want to live. I learned on my own many of the points that Jessamyn touches upon in her book. I highly recommend it to anyone planning on visiting Ecuador. I wish that she would have released this before my first would have made navigating the country so much easier!" - by Joellen on Amazon

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