by David and Lin Schneider
(Los Organos, Piura, Peru SA)
Language? Hah, here are some funny Ecuador stories about speaking "la lengua."
Although I was born in Peru and spent five years in Ecuador as a kid, I hadn't spoken much Spanish in 30 years when I moved back with my wife and daughter.
I wanted to buy a shovel. Easy, right? But what is a shovel in Spanish? I thought, hmmm, spade is a small shovel, so I'll ask for an "espada." (Some of you are chuckling already)!
I got on the bus and went to the nearest decent-sized town, La Libertad (coast). As I walked down the street, I saw several "ferreterias," hardware stores.
I walked into the first and asked the man at the counter for an "espada". Well, he looked at me kind of funny and said they didn't have any. Oh well.
I went into the second ferreteria and got the same response, maybe a little stronger.
Well....the next store had a shovel in the window so I figured I couldn't go wrong. When I asked for an "espada," I got a strange look and the man said they didn't have any. I pointed to the shovel in the window and said, there's one.
He looked at me even stranger and said they didn't have an espada.
Well, by this time I suspected I had the wrong word and left it for later. When I got home, I looked it up and found out why the strange looks.
"Espada" means sword...
For more of the adventures of David and Lin click here.
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